COS 301 Programming Languages

Fall 2012

Project and Assignments -- Policies and Format

Project Papers - Policy

1. Papers submitted as part of the project must be submitted in both paper and electronic form. The digital document may be used to check for possible plagiarism.

2. Documents should be named as follows: PX-lastname+firstinitial.ext where "X" is project number. For example: P1-meadowc.doc or P4-meadowc.pdf

3. Project papers are due at the start of class on the date indicated. Do not skip class in frantic rush to finish up your paper. Papers submitted by email by the deadline will count as on-time.

4. Late papers will be penalized 1 point (out of ten) per week or part of week late, to a maximum of two weeks. After two weeks acceptance will be at the discretion of the instructor.

5. The grade for each paper will be the average of the grade for the initial submission and the grade for the rewrite. Don't expect to turn in a barely-started draft and expect to make up the grade on the rewrite!

6. Rewrites are due one week from the day that the initial submissions are returned, regardless of whether you attended class that day or not. Late penalties stipulated above apply to the rewrites. Rewrite due date will be noted on the draft when it is returned to you.

7. If you are satisfied with your grade on the first draft you do not need to submit a rewrite. Please notify me if this is the case.

8. The minimum penalty for plagiarism will be a 0 for the assignment. Other penalties, including failing the course or referral to a disciplinary body may be applied as well.

9. You may have one "free pass" for a late paper within the two-week limit. If you have any late papers, wait until the end of the semester to decide where to apply your free pass because later papers will carry more weight in your final grade.

Project Papers - Format

Paper format will be discussed in more detail in class. Also see the paper format checklist.

1. Each paper must have a title page, showing the project number, date submitted, your name, and whether the paper is first or final draft. Papers must be stapled in the upper left corner. Make sure the staple is placed so that the paper is readable.

2. The second page of the paper should contain an abstract; typically a single paragraph containing 100-200 words. Content of the abstract will be discussed in class.

3. An annotated bibliography should appear at the end of each paper. An annotated bibliography provides both the standard bibliography reference and a short description of why this reference is useful. The bibliography will likely grow as the semester progresses.

For citations and bibliography we will use the IEEE citation style. The relevant section of the IEEE manual can be found here:

A couple of web pages that provide some good examples are the Monash University Library

and the Accessible Computer Science Research Guide - Dalhousie University Libraries

A useful downloadable reference from the University of Calgary

5. Programs and output written as part of the assignment will be attached as an appendix.

6. Page counts are based on 1.5 line spacing using a Times New Roman 11pt font with 1" text margins – page numbers are not included in margin measurements . All papers must be one and a half or double spaced to allow for written comments.

7. Title page, abstract, bibliography and appendices are not included in the specified page count.

8. Specified page count may be exceeded by no more than one third of the upper limit.

Homework Exercises - Policy and Format

1. Homework exercises must be completed no later than one week after the due date. A 2-point penalty will apply to homework submitted up to one week late; no credit after one week.

2. Homework exercises are due at the start of class on the specified date. Do not skip class in frantic attempt to finish the assignment.

3. Paper copies are expected. If turning in electronically because you are unable to attend class, name the document as follows:     hwX-lastnamefirstinitial.ext (for example, hw3-meadowc.doc ).

4. Handwritten exercises are acceptable if neatly done; some problems may involve diagrams or graphics that are easier to do by hand than on a computer. Handwritten answers may be intermingled with word processor output.

5. Questions should be clearly labeled with the question number and must appear in order.

6. A cover sheet showing the assignment number, date submitted, and name should be attached. Papers must be stapled in the upper left corner. Make sure the staple is placed so that the paper is readable.