COS 451: Automata, Computability, and Languages

Sudarshan S. Chawathe
University of Maine

Fall 2019 preliminary version

This course is an introduction to the theory of computation. Some big questions: What is a computer? How may we model computers and computation? What are the theoretical and practical limits of computation? What do we know about what can, and cannot, and may or may not be computable and efficiently computable? Some more details, from the course catalog: Fundamentals of formal languages and the mathematical theory of computation; finite-state automata, nondeterminism, regular expressions, and Kleenes Theorem; context-free grammars, pushdown automata, the correspondence theorem and the pumping lemma; computability, Turing machines, and the halting problem.

Prerequisite: COS 250.

Goals and Learning Objectives
 Student Learning Outcomes
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Online Resources
Grading Scheme
Textbook and Readings
Exercises, Homeworks, Tests, and Notes
Homework Submissions

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