If the links don't work, blame yourself for expecting permanence.
As Heraclitus said, "You cannot step in the same internet twice."

Miscellaneous Comes First

NASA Data When you just gotta have some data
Space Physics Data Facility Even more data
Plan 9 from Bell Labs or How I Learned to Love the Three Button Mouse
Cataclysm DDA If you need to come to terms with dying
Population Pyramid
How to C in 2016 (Rob's suggestion)
Computer History Simulation Project - one of the best museums ever.
JASSS - a journal I like to read.
Single File C/C++ Libs
Gimme That Old Tyme Speculative Fiction - Galaxy Magazine
If you don't know this site, you might be illiterate - Project Gutenberg

Neural Networks (background)

Michael Nielson's Book (free and online)
Universal Approximation Theorem

Neural Networks (recurrent)

Elman's Finding Structure in Time