Readings marked with ⋆ are required for COS 580
students. COS 480 students may wish to read them if
they plan to attempt the extra-credit questions on tests.
Readings marked with ⋆⋆ are extra credit for COS
580 students and double-extra credit for COS 480
students. Students who wish to receive credit for
⋆⋆ items must discuss the specifics with me first.
Everyone is encouraged to at least browse all the
- Edgar F. Codd. A relational model of data for
large shared data banks. Communications of the
ACM, 13(6):377–387, June 1970.
- Notes on Codd’s paper: notes/rmodel.pdf;
- ⋆ Goetz Graefe. Query evaluation techniques
for large databases. ACM Computing Surveys,
25(2):73–170, June 1993.
- Notes on Graefe’s paper: notes/qeval.pdf;
- ⋆⋆ Fran�ois Bancilhon and Raghu
Ramakrishnan. An amateur’s introduction
to recursive query processing strategies. In
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International
Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD),
pages 16–52, Washington, D.C., May 1986.