Further Reading
The following books are on reserve at the library. These
books are not required reading and nothing in the course
will depend directly on reading them. However, they are
good sources for different explanations of some concepts,
additional information on various topics, examples, and
- Serge Abiteboul,
Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu. Foundations of
Databases. Addison-Wesley, 1995.
This book is a textbook for COS 598, Advanced
Topics in Databases, and focuses on Database
Theory. The book is not light reading but it is
much easier than reading the equivalent set of
- Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, and
Jennifer Widom. Database Systems: The
Complete Book. Prentice-Hall, 2002.
The first half of this book is essentially identical
to the main textbook. The second half covers
topics in database system implementation, and
is a good resource for learning more about how
database systems are implemented. Since the
terminology and style is consistent with the main
textbook, it should be easy reading.
- Christopher J. Date. An Introduction to
Database Systems. Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Massachusetts, 2000.
A classic database-systems textbook.
- Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke.
Database Management Systems. McGraw-Hill,
third edition, 2002.
Another standard
textbook with detailed coverage of some topics
that we will cover briefly.
- Roderic Geoffrey Galton Cattell. Object Data Management: Object-Oriented and Extended
Relational Database Systems. Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Massachusetts, 1994.
A good introduction to object and
object-relational databases.
- François Bancilhon, Claude Delobel, and Paris
Kanellakis. Building an Object-Oriented
Database System: The Story of O2. Morgan
Kaufmann, 1992.
Another good book on object databases.
- Michael Stonebraker and Joseph M. Hellerstein,
editors. Readings in Database Systems. Morgan
Kaufmaann, San Francisco, California, third
edition, 1998.
This collection of papers, including some classics,
provides a sampling of topics in database system