Grading Scheme

Grades are based on class participation (10%), two mid-term exams (10% each), two preliminary project proposals (10% and 20%), and a final project proposal (40%).
Class participation:
Students are expected to contribute to learning by asking questions and making relevant comments in class and on the class newsgroup. Quality is more important than quantity. Disruptive activity contributes negatively. Please make sure all disruptive devices are disabled while in class. If you have a good reason for wanting to be disturbed in class, please contact me to make the appropriate arrangements.
All exams are open book, open notes. The exams in this course will consist of brief questions on topics discussed in class or assigned as reading. You are free to bring with you any resources that you find useful. However, no communications are permitted other than between students and me. The use of computers during exams is strongly discouraged, but brief use is permitted provided it does not cause a disturbance. You may use the Internet, but only as a library to look up material you may find useful. As above, check with me if you are unclear on what is permitted. The exams are designed to require no equipment other than a pen and paper.
Project Proposals:
Developing a solid project proposal that will serve as the foundation for continuing work on a Capstone project is a primary objective of this course. This emphasis is reflected in the weights assigned to the two preliminary and final project proposals. Further details will follow.