We will use PostgreSQL as the
database system for programming assignments.
You are free to program in any programming
language that has an open implementation. Ifyou plan to use a language other than C or Java,you should check with me first.
Class accounts:
Class accounts for Unix and
PostgreSQL will be generated based on the
forms distributed at the first class meeting.
If you missed them, please get in touch
with me. You should be able to access your
accounts from anywhere on the Internet
(including the labs in Neville Hall and elsewhere
on campus) by using ssh to connect to
cs.umaine.edu. On most Unix hosts, the
command ssh -l username cs.umaine.edu
should suffice. For Windows hosts, the
freely available Putty program works well: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/.
Do not use unencrypted telnet sessions toconnect to your account!