All exams and quizzes are open book, open notes. You are free to bring with you any
resources that you find useful. However, no communications are permitted other than between students and
me. The use of computers during exams is strongly discouraged, but brief use may be permitted provided it
does not cause a disturbance, at the discretion of the proctor. You may use the Internet, but only as a library
to look up material you may find useful. As above, check with me if you are unclear on what is permitted. The
exams are designed to require no equipment other than a pen and paper, along with the textbook and assigned
Midterm exams will be held during regular class meetings, and will be roughly an hour long. Each quiz is a
short exam, roughly half an hour long, held during part of a class meeting. The final exam follows the usual
university schedule, and is thus held outside of regular class meetings.