Textbook and Readings

Textbook: Kent D. Lee. Foundations of Programming Languages. Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science. Springer Nature, 2nd edition, December10 2017. Please note the edition and year. It is a required textbook for this course. The ebook version is available gratis via the University library.

There are some resources on the Web for this textbook and more generally for this material. You are welcome, and encouraged, to use these resources (unless specifically directed otherwise), and to share and discuss them with classmates on the discussion forum. However, you must prominently attribute any help from such or other resources in all your work. Failure to do so is a serious offense (see policies). And, regardless of what resources you use or do not, it is never permissible to simply include someone else’s work unless it is specifically permitted as an exception.

Readings: A few supplemental readings will be added here based on class preferences.

David Beazley. PLY (Python Lex-Yacc). http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/, February 2020.
Kent D. Lee. The JCoCo virtual machine 1.0 documentation. https://kentdlee.github.io/JCoCoPages/_build/html/index.html, 2017.